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What is the cause of my Canadian study permit application to be?

It is not hard to understand at all and is actually quite clear: IRCC believes you have dual intent to study and stay in Canada at the end of your studies rather than leave, which is called dual-intent which is a reason for denial. They also do not believe you have adequate proof of funds to support your study in Canada and they know you cannot come close enough to paying for next year only working 20 hours per week when classes are in session and full-time when they are not. You also do not have enough proof of assets in your homeland that would indicate that you will return home on the completion of your studies. So to sum it up, IRCC believes you are an economic migrant who is using studying in Canada as a vehicle to never leave and you have nothing at home you need to return to plus you cant even show enough savings to pay for your tuition and living expenses as required by Canada to be granted a study permit.

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